Let’s Have a Conversation About Culture Shock
I recently had a conversation with one of our current students to dig out the reality of how cultural differences affect when one chooses to
I recently had a conversation with one of our current students to dig out the reality of how cultural differences affect when one chooses to
What are your career goals? Want to become an Entrepreneur, Business leader, Manage the organization, Inspire people, and Create a difference in the Business World?
A structured, exhaustive step-wise approach. Last Saturday was my most productive day ever! I wrote three articles, organized my clutter at work, meditated for 30
“Business as usual” has become a thing of the past thanks to the corona virus. In these unpredictable times, there is no such thing as
COVID-19 has altered the way we do everything from grocery shopping to attending international conferences to getting married. For multiple reasons, there are many who
Once you land in Barcelona, you will want to search for everything that is nearby to the campus. Be it restaurants and food joints or
Are you considering on commencing a dual degree, a pathway program, or a top up? Students have so many study alternatives nowadays, it can be
Going abroad for studies can be a once-in-a-lifetime adventure. However, it is important to know what all to bring along and what to absolutely avoid
In the end we all crave for one thing: Happiness. No matter what journey we are into, we always wish that it leads us to
Instantly boost yourself with these inevitable and must download free Apps in Barcelona. Technology is the need of the hour, and if it can make
Find answers to the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) that prospective students ask about C3S Business School, Barcelona Spain
As an international business school, our mission is to prepare future leaders to embark in the real business world. We are continuously improving in offering the best quality education to enhance and develop 21st century skills. C3S Business School welcomes students from all over the world and considers diversity as one of its greatest assets.