This fall we’re thrilled and cheerful to welcome on campus all the newly enrolled C3Sians for varied programs… We interviewed two of our alumni of 2020 to share their valuable advice on how to make the most of our time here and not regret the most precious opportunity set upon.
The campus is full of excitement, events, and people to meet right from the start. There are just too many cases to read, too many groups to join, and a never-ending list of events to attend. Even the most outgoing person might get overwhelmed by it.
Looking back on our time at C3S Business School, we realize how unique it was and how fast it all passed us by. You never really have time to enjoy it all until you graduate and leave; you’re either too busy writing an assignment or dashing to and from all different sections of the library. You forget that the program will not last for an indefinite period, that your time in Barcelona may be constrained, and that
before you know it, you might be getting interviewed for a blog post for the incoming class in between your client meetings.
You’re embarking on a personal journey this fall. One that will feel like a whirlwind, filled with laughter, bewilderment, and anticipation. At moments, you’ll wish the program would go on indefinitely, and at others, you’ll question why you came to Barcelona in the first place. The fact is that you will all go through the same ups and downs, which is one of the reasons why the next two years are so important in your life.
Everything in your life will change, that is a reality. Everyone in the class is leaving their homes, careers, friends, and family behind. Then you’re thrown into a tremendously varied class, put in groups with strangers, given more work than you can handle, and invited to more parties than you can handle.
Our advice to you is to take advantage of this opportunity. Take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to explore new things. Take advantage of this tidal flood of fresh experiences by adding to it. You'll look back on this time and see how it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to try new things and fail – C3S Business School definitely gives a true playground for experimentation to bring out the best in you.
We implore you to do nothing you can do at home and just look for items you’ve always wanted. Participate in a variety of sports competitions and activities organized by the Student Council at C3S, meet and interact with your fellow mates from various cultures, and join or participate in workshops, seminars, and other events organized at the campus and outdoors. Open your mind, say yes, and let go of everything you’ve learned thus far. Everyone leaves Barcelona with a long list of things they wish they had done while there. We hope you are able to keep that list to a minimum.
And we don’t just mean visiting Spain’s lovely towns or drinking vermouth and eating tapas in all of Barcelona’s food joints. We also urge you to challenge your bias, listen to others, adjust your behaviors, and be genuine with people you interact with. Experiment with everything that makes you feel uneasy. Say yes to whatever you’ve always wanted to do.
We guarantee that if you embrace even a small portion of this, you will not be dissatisfied. You’ll be delighted you accepted the adjustment since it will bring a grin to your face during your tenure when you’re sitting quietly, reflecting on C3S Business School.
We wish you all the best for this amazing journey ahead!
Your Alumni

Written By:
Pooja Shah is more than a decade old in the education industry with roles ranging from Professor at a B-School to Foreign language facilitator in China to Content Strategist for an education giant. She is passionate about educating and inspiring the world with generic and specific topics relating to her industry with authentic and accurate information. She heads the Digital Content and Engagement department at C3S Business School.
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