“C3S Business School will provide you with every opportunity, and you must seize it.”
None of us could have anticipated that the pandemic would persist so long, but now that we are more than two years into the coronavirus outbreak, I can state that many of our students were a part of the C3S Business School offered programs that began in the midst of the outbreak. They proceeded through the application, decision-making, selection, preparations, and start-up processes while everything was still up in the air. Despite its difficulties, this feels like an amazing adventure that will undoubtedly go down in history.
During my conversation with one of the alumni, who hails from Latvia, about her experience and how it made her feel, and what are the suggestions that she would like to pass on to the ones who are on the threshold of plunging into a new chapter of their lives; she was quite articulative to narrate her gloomy as well as cheerful memories and reminiscing her old days she spent at the C3S campus with her classmates.
“Ummmm…I don’t know where to start from? When I was approximately 14 years old, I visited Barcelona for the first time. I fell in love with the city as a teenager and told everyone I wanted to live here. But when I finally moved to this city, I had a very different experience. Yes, the circumstances under which I made the transfer were unusual. At the same time, living in Barcelona can be both beautiful and intimidating. It’s easy to become overwhelmed.
If you’re reading this as someone who’s about to make a significant change, I’d advise don’t be afraid of how you’re feeling. In fact, embrace it and allow it to drive you over your limits.
After my quarantine period ended, I travelled around Barcelona but never felt alone in this city, as I remember aptly, one of the C3S staff members ensured to provide me with all of the necessary help that I needed to settle in – be it accommodation assistance to visa renewal to getting around with public transport to much more! Of course, I didn’t have many “amazing” friends initially; in fact, I just had a few digital acquaintances, but I still felt comfortable and at ease.”
Here’s a quick rundown of what she learned in her first few weeks at the Barcelona campus:
1. “C3S will provide you with unwavering support.”
She agreed that although being on-campus and doing the work is important, but being a student at C3S and learning from some of the top experts in the industry while sitting among a group of smart individuals – either online or in person – is an experience unlike any other. She felt that her ‘online’ weeks may have differed from her on-campus weeks, but despite of it, the school’s assistance made the journey much smoother. With continuous emails, activities, and updates, she never felt like she wasn’t already a #C3Sian, even if she was geographically distant initially.
2. “Being patient was the key!”
What provided her comfort was knowing that several of her classmates were starting classes on the same day as her and planned to meet up for coffee after registration. To someone who joined in a pre-COVID era it may appear normal, but for them, they were all arriving on campus at various times. She happily recalled that the C3S Student Support team had added her to one of the informal social media groups where she could connect with her classmates and find out when they were scheduled to arrive.
3. “Always pour in efforts.”
In the beginning, things seemed different to her. Leaving home, relocating to a different country, settling in, and starting her master’s degree all at the same time was an emotional rollercoaster for her. “It just gets better every week”, she said, every time when someone inquired how business school life was treating her, right up to the completion of her one-year study. Her message to the current batch is that every week is a fresh opportunity to learn more, do more, meet more people, and experience more of Barcelona.
4. “At C3S, you're always learning something new.”
She felt, at C3S, learning is ongoing and comprehensive. That is something one may experience regardless of what program s/he is studying at the campus. One can learn more about the program, new skills, opportunities and activities to participate in, interesting friends, career chances to compete for, and, most importantly, their own self. “C3S Business School will provide you with every opportunity, and you must seize it”, she said. She expected to learn merely academically and practically, but the experience she had at C3S Business School, changed her into a different person. A better person, personally and professionally. And she was utterly grateful for this beautiful journey.
“Awestruck with my journey with C3S Business School.”

Written By:
Pooja Shah is the Head of Digital Content and Engagement at Barcelona's C3S Business School. She has over 12 years of international experience in the field of education, with a diverse portfolio of roles. She is the driving force behind the school's digital content on its website and social media platforms. She went on to get her MBA with a specialty in Human Resources after excelling academically in her Bachelor's in Computer Applications. Her passion is to educate and inspire the humanity, thereby contributing her bit to the society.
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