Why now is the time to upskill & reskill

Our personal and professional ambitions have changed for many of us as a result of the epidemic.

Our life goals and career aspirations have changed drastically after the pandemic. Subsequently, a lot of people across the globe want to diverge in their professional journey or acquire additional skills for better career prospects.

In this blog, we shall explore it more and stress on their significance and how C3S Business School can support you in doing so.

Let’s define the terms ‘upskill’ and ‘reskill’

Acquiring new talents in order to strengthen your skills set is called upskilling.

The end goal is to advance your career path through this.

Working individuals, as well as freshers who want to take the plunge in the corporate, may think of enhancing skill set. They might take up online courses, master programs, doctoral programs, language lessons, etc. to achieve this. The final goal is to advance their career trajectory through this.


Acquiring new skills with an intended purpose of switching career or profession is called reskilling.

This could be done by pursuing additional education to gain the knowledge and abilities required to start a completely different line of work from what they were doing before.

Why is it vital now?

The idea is to distinguish oneself from the mass and have a stand-out set of skills for bagging the best opportunity in the market; especially after the last two years of growth hiatus, it is even more crucial, below are the top reasons why:

1. COVID repercussions

The pandemic has negatively impacted people’s quality of life and has done colossal damage to the world economy. But, according to research experts, the world is now on its way to experience a post- pandemic boom.


With this bright ray of hope, we should be ready with new set of skills to get absorbed in this tide of growth. Therefore, now is the time to start considering updating your present abilities or altering your professional path in entirety if you want to have the edge.

2. Technological breakthroughs

Although the digital economy was already a thing before COVID, the epidemic has sped up this process. There has been a shift in work space and how. These are:

Digital Metamorphosis

COVID pushed the companies to go digital if they wanted to continue to be in the business amid lockdown.

New career prospects

Jobs such as app developers, cloud computing experts, digital marketers, etc. that didn’t exist ten years ago are now being created thanks to digitalization.

And there is a growing demand for these positions lately. Thus, more people are looking to acquire these skills to find lucrative opportunities in the ever-evolving tech industry.


The flip side of technological advancements is that low-skilled manual labor jobs will be replaced.

According to the BBC, by 2030, robots could “replace up to 20 million manufacturing jobs worldwide.”

Therefore, individuals working in this industry at lower to mid-level positions must consider levelling up, horizontally and vertically.

3. Skill gaps

With the advent of digitization, we also have some tracks to cover. Globally speaking, there is now a skills gap for new technology-based occupations.

The top 10 in-demand skills as per the research in 2020 are as follows:


  1.   Complex Problem Solving
  2.   Critical Thinking
  3.   Creativity
  4.   People Management
  5.   Coordinating with Others
  6.   Emotional Intelligence
  7.   Judgment and Decision Making
  8.   Service Orientation
  9.   Negotiation
  10.   Cognitive Flexibility

These in-demand skills have a supply deficit. According to study, “by 2030, there may not be enough skilled workers to fill more than 85 million jobs.”

Thus, the future for these skills seems bright and rewarding, it is the perfect time to take that plunge and learn one or more skills to gain a competitive advantage.


How can C3S Business School assist you?

Our purpose at C3S is to support you in achieving your dreams. Here’s how we can assist, whether you’re an individual seeking for a different career path or an aspiring entrepreneur looking to hone your skill set:

Master programs in specialized field
Bachelor programs for freshers to strengthen the fundamentals
Spanish Language lessons for FREE
Diplomas & Certifications
Pathway opportunity to the UK (top-ups)
Online as well as On-Campus modality
Opportunities for paid internships
Learning from industry experts and professionals
Digitized library and technologically enabled classrooms

Visit our website or get in touch with us right away if you want to start your upskilling and reskilling journey right away.

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Written By:

Pooja Shah is the Head of Digital Content and Engagement at Barcelona's C3S Business School. She has over 12 years of international experience in the field of education, with a diverse portfolio of roles. She is the driving force behind the school's digital content on its website and social media platforms. She went on to get her MBA with a specialty in Human Resources after excelling academically in her Bachelor's in Computer Applications. Her passion is to educate and inspire the humanity, thereby contributing her bit to the society.